The ThermoGIS maps are available as web server. The complete set of grids can also be requested in '.zmap' format (coordinate system RD New, EPSG:28992) by filling in the form shown below. An email containing a download link will be sent. ThermoGIS uses external web services for the thematic layers.
Web server
A web server containing the ThermoGIS maps can be accessed through
This URL can be added in QGIS through Layer, Add Layer, Add ArcGIS REST Server lay, New. The server is then added to the Catalogue. This adds, in addition to the ThermoGIS layers, various other servers provided by TNO-GDN, such NLOG, BRO etc. Specific ThermoGIS layers can be added via Map, Add Data, Data From Path. Under Path, enter "<layer>/MapServer", where <layer> is replaced by ThermoGIS_NK_v1, ThermoGIS_RD_v1 or ThermoGIS_STACKED_v1, so for instance "".
ThermoGIS_NK_v1 contains the (younger) layers from the periods Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene, ThermoGIS_RD_v1 from (older) Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic. ThermoGIS_STACKED_v1 contains the stacked layers, including those from the Jurassic (Delft Sandstone).
Request grids