The two tables below list the technical and economic parameters that are used in the calculations. The Calculation model section provides a more detailed explanation of these parameters and also of the depth-dependent and optimized parameters.
Technical parameters | Value | Unit |
aquifer top depth | from map | m |
aquifer thickness | from map | m |
aquifer thickness uncertainty (SD) | from map | m |
aquifer net-to-gross | from map | - |
aquifer permeability | from map | mDarcy |
uncertainty in natural logarithm permeability | from map | ln(mDarcy) |
aquifer temperature | from 3D model | °C |
aquifer water salinity | depth dependent | ppm |
aquifer kh/kv ratio | 3 | - |
return temperature | 30 | °C |
minimum aquifer temperature | 20 | °C |
distance between the two wells | optimized | m |
pump system efficiency | 60 | % |
production pump depth | 500 | m |
pump pressure difference | optimized | bar |
well trajectory curvature factor | 1.1 | - |
calculation segment length | 50 | m |
outer diameter (open production interval) | 8.5 | inch |
inner diameter (casing) | 8.5 | inch |
casing roughness | 1.38 | milli-inch |
injector well skin | -1 | - |
production well skin | -1 | - |
Economic parameters | Value | Unit |
economic lifetime | 30 | year |
drilling time | 2 | year |
annual load hours | 6000 | hour |
well costs | depth dependent | M€ |
CAPEX base expense (excl. wells) | 3 | M€ |
CAPEX variable expenses (excl. wells) | 300 | €/kW |
CAPEX contingency | 15 | % |
annual OPEX per unit power | 100 | €/kW |
annual OPEX per unit energy produced | 0.19 | €ct/kWh |
electricity purchase price for operations | 8.0 | €ct/kWh |
tax rate | 25 | % |
interest on loan | 5 | % |
inflation | 1.5 | % |
required return on equity | 14.5 | % |
debt ratio | 80 | % |